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Slide 2 Pulo Cinta

Wisata Pulo Cinta Boalemo
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Slide 3 Pulo Cinta

Wisata Pulo Cinta Boalemo
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Slide 4 Pulo Cinta

Wisata Pulo Cinta Boalemo
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Slide 5 Pulo Cinta

Wisata Pulo Cinta Boalemo
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Slide 6 Pulo Cinta

Wisata Pulo Cinta Boalemo

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Idioms and make a sentence/clause (lesson:2)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb

Hai guys, last day i got some new knowledges from our teacher. Our teacher asked us to told him about our story one by one. Because if we want to be a good speaker, we must to get used to made a story and speech it. Especially in past tense or more tenses except present tense. So, we tried to tell him, although in the middle we had some mistakes for structures. 

And then he gave some idioms and asked us to make sentences about that. Sentences with more than 2 vocabularies. Okey we got to start it!

Idioms 25 September 2020
1. Go bananas: mengamuk/menggila
2. Gain ground: panjat sosial
3. Couch potato: pemalas
4. In a jiffy: dengan cepat
5. Kick the bucket: meninggal 
6. Pretty penny: Expensive
7. For my money: In my opinion

Anto was a couch potato, he didn't doing useful thing after he woke up. So, her mother often went bananas to him. One day, his father was kick the bucket, he was very sad. and he promised that he would found a job in a jiffy. But, unfortunately he didn't get a job. So, in the midlle of his hopeless, he got an idea. He gains ground by his friend who was a celebgram. Now, he becomes a pretty penny celebgram. For my money, sometimes not good situation/condition forces someone to be more responsibility person and go out from their comfort zone.

Oke guys. thanks for your attention, and see you next time...

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The reason that why i learn English again

Hello guys..

I want to share my experience..
Let's started..
Two months ago, i took TOEFL test..but my TOEFL score was not as my expected. So, i realized that my English so bad. Many vocabularies i did'nt know. And i couldn't make some sentence in english. It was hard for me. Because i'm not used to practice it. Moreover, if i read some articles in English, i'm so roaming. I'm trouble to understand some naration in English. Moreover, i had learned English for more than ten years at school! Omg, i feel it must be changed..

And finally, i am deciding to improve my english. And what should i do?
1. At the first time, try to make a status in English at my social media like whatsapp, instagram, and etc. Why status?
because we can update anytime we need. I'm not focus in structure and etc. But at the first time, i just try to make a sentence in English, just that.
2. I explore some vocabularies that i do not know in some dictionary or google translate. 
3. I read some articles at the News online like BBC, wikipedia, and etc. And if i found a vocab that i didn't know i took it in notes.
4. I watch and hear a story or anything in English in youtube especially by native. I take it just for fun, not seriously.
5. I read my old English book structure. When i was in High School.
6. I follow online English course especially in conversation..
7. I used to write an article in English. I apply daily conversation on Tuesday and Thursday eventhough my family do not understand except my husband. Because sometimes it will be made me relaxing and fun. So clise, but i enjoy it!

Okey, there are my tips to improve my english language..How about you??

Please comment under my blog..thank You guys..✌

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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Senyum Kurawa

Ada kesabaran yang sedang diuji..

Ada kekuatan yang sedang digoyahkan..

Apa kabar wahai kurawa?

Tak kau lihat semua sedang tidak baik-baik saja..

Semua berjalan tak semestinya..

Ada semburat senyum dibalik taring keganasan..

Berjuntai-juntai kata tetap tak bisa menggoyahkan..

Apalah daya kami hanya butiran pasir tak kasat mata..

Untukmu yang jauh disana..

Nasib para pelaksana tak kunjung nyata..

Bermodalkan tekad baja dan baju zirah seadanya..

Mencoba berdamai dengan semesta..

Walaupun peluang akan bahaya lebih besar dari setandan kurma..

By: monice

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